Can I start mini banking from my office

I read your blogs. They are very much knowledgeable. Thanks for writing these blogs. I want to know that how can I start mini banking in my office, where I can give services like deposit, withdrawal, money transfer to other bank account, passbook printing etc. please guide me where should I apply?

Aug 9, 2017 by Pawan Kumar,   |   General

You cannot provide banking services from your office unless you are from a rural area where there are no bank branches. If you are residing in a rural area, you can contact nationalized banks who appoint banking / business correspondent to provide banking services to the un-banked rural masses. Please refer this link

With regards to money transfer, you can contact this company to take their agency.

For providing deposit / investment services, you can contact a mutual fund company in your area who train agents and help obtain a AMFI certification which is a mandatory requirement for distributing mutual funds in India.

In case you need further information on the above do write to us again.

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